Sunday, February 28, 2010

The #41 Hat Trick Post

So, what does the #41 have to do with Julie and I this month? Well, it is quite interesting how the number 41 features so prominently in our lives during February of 2010. Here is some #41 trivia for you, first, I turned 41 this month, second, on the 23rd of this month, Julie and I celebrate our 41st month-a-versary (Yes, we still try to celebrate month-a-versary's) and on the 14th (41 backwards...hmm) we will be 41 days from the birth of our second son, Hudson. That is the #41 Hat Trick. Of course baby Hudson could be early... :)

Speaking of the baby, the pregnancy is going perfectly fine, no health issues, all the tests were great and despite morning sickness, heartburn, bouts with acid reflux and lots of vomit, Julie is doing marvelous! Dixon is all about the "baby," wanting to listen to the babies heartbeat on the computer, and calling every one of his stuffed animals a "baby" as he puts them to bed, or wraps them in blankets. Dixon just got a toddler bed, which he has been sleeping in for almost a month now, and he points at the crib and says, "baby!" in anticipation of his little brother's arrival. Of course, every time he is playing with one his "babies" and throws it across the room, or drops it on the floor and body slams it, I start to worry a little... lol... but Dixon will be a great big brother and we are looking forward in anticipation for Hudson's arrival!

As I write this, Team USA in Hockey just tied TEAM Canada to force overtime in the Gold Medal game. The Sun is out, it is close to 60 degrees out on the last day of February, Dixon is napping, Julie is packing baby clothes. We are blessed with jobs, blessed by our jobs, our ministry here in Keeler's Corner, and blessed by our friends and our family. We live life loving God with our hearts, mind and soul and loving our neighbor.

Life couldn't be better.

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