Saturday, November 20, 2010

At the Father's Feet

The other night, Hudson, who was surrounded by all his toys and playing very happily, dropped what he was doing and crawled over to my feet and looked up at me, wanting me to pick him up.

…and I was struck by a thought, that this is the relationship God desires from us. Though surrounded by the world and all our toys, and all the busyness that life presents us, we would instead be at his feet, gazing up longingly, and desiring him.

Just as Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, we should make the right choices with our time.
You learn so much being a father! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a wonderful thought. Yes, we should be looking towards Him. Nothing we have on earth (our playtoys) can compare or can fill our spirits the same way. Mom