Thursday, October 11, 2012

From the mouth of my boys

Dixon and Hudson both made up superhero stories and told them to Julie, who promptly wrote them down. Dixon's simple yet detailed little story went like this:

"There once was a superhero named Dixon. And one day, there was a bad guy stealing corn. And Super Dixon hopped in his plane and got the superpower to appear and stopped the bad guy. And there was a bad guy pouring milk on people and making them sick and Dixon hopped in a circle and bounced him back into the water and he was dead. Dixon saved the day again!"

Hudson's story was quick, yet action packed. It went like this:

"Superhero Hudson, bad guy there, pow bad guy bow pow kapow. Hooray!"

And there is the best illustration I can provide that details the differences between my two boys. One wants a beginning, middle and end, the other just wants to get to the action.

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